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孙子迷上无人机 巴菲特对此很感兴趣:RAYBET雷竞技入口
发布时间:2024-10-14 14:54:01 分类:产品二类 点击量:167
本文摘要:Welcome to the drone age. Drones are the key to future warfare, security experts say. Drones will soon deliver your Amazon (AMZN) packages, if CEO Jeff Bezos has his way. And the latest versions of the unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, are so user-friendly than an ordinary hobbyist can now buy one for $1,000 or so online and use it to film special moments, from adventure vacations to sporting events.青睐回到无人机时代。

Welcome to the drone age. Drones are the key to future warfare, security experts say. Drones will soon deliver your Amazon (AMZN) packages, if CEO Jeff Bezos has his way. And the latest versions of the unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, are so user-friendly than an ordinary hobbyist can now buy one for $1,000 or so online and use it to film special moments, from adventure vacations to sporting events.青睐回到无人机时代。据安全性专家回应,无人机将沦为未来战争的关键。

迅速,只要亚马逊(Amazon)CEO杰夫o贝佐斯需要寻找解决办法,无人机将被用作分送商品。而最新型号的无人机操作者非常简单,普通业余爱好者现在可以花1,000美元左右在线出售,用作记录冒险假期或体育活动中的类似时刻。Its the easiest thing, says Howard W. Buffett, who, granted, is no ordinary hobbyist. The 30-year-old grandson of Warren Buffett is president of Buffett Farms Nebraska. With his dad Howard G. Buffett, who is Warrens elder son, Howard W. grows corn and soybeans on 400 acres that sit 50 miles north of Omaha. His billionaire grandfather famously bought the tract for a song -- $280,000, to be exact -- in 1986, and wrote about lessonsfrom his stellar real-estate investment in this years letter to Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) shareholders.霍华德oWo巴菲特回应:“它的操作者十分简单。

”当然,他可不是普通的业余爱好者。30岁的霍华德是沃伦o巴菲特的孙子,目前兼任巴菲特内布拉斯加农场(Buffett Farms Nebraska)的总裁。他的父亲霍华德oGo巴菲特是沃伦o巴菲特的长子。

霍华德在奥马哈以北50英里占地面积400英亩的农场里与他父亲一起栽种玉米和大豆。1986年,他的亿万富翁爷爷以十分低廉的价格出售了这一大片土地——精确地说道是280,000美元,还在今年致伯克希尔o哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)股东的信中总结了这笔一流房地产投资的经验。The young Buffett was perusing a tech blog in April when he read about the DJI Phanton 2 Vision+ RTF Quadcopter, a four-rotor flying camera that he figured could help him tell a story of a mid-sized farmer practicing conservation-based agriculture.四月份,霍华德在读者一篇科技博客的时候,写了DJI Phanton 2 Vision + RTF四轴飞行器。

这是一种四旋翼飞行中摄像机,他指出这款设备可以协助他“记录一个中等规模的农民专门从事保护性农业的故事。”He bought the Phantom 2 Vision+ for $1,299 on a site called Daves Discount Motors. Compact and light enough to fit in his backpack, the drone required just two test flights before Buffett, four days after getting it in the mail, set it aloft above his acreage. By himself, with no crew or assistant, he maneuvered the UAV by remote control and shot 80 minutes of video. It doesnt record audio, so I did the narration afterwards and laid it on post-production, Buffett explains.于是,他在一个叫Daves Discount Motors的地方,以1,299美元现场出售了Phantom 2 Vision+。这款无人机结构紧凑,十分轻盈,可以放到他的双肩包内。


”The final product, a dazzling three-minute video, is due to air on Memorial Day on a popular show called Ag Day on cable network RFD-TV.最后的作品是一段宽三分钟、令人眼花缭乱的视频。这段视频将在美国阵亡将士纪念日当天,在有线电视网络RFD-TV的一档著名节目Ag Day中播映。The Buffett scions first foray into aerial videography might lead to a new career. I showed the video at our family brunch. Grandpa seemed impressed, he says. In early May, during Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting weekend, his dad had him show the film to a few of the companys board members. We talked about flying the quadcopter above next years annual meeting, says young Howard, though its noisy and sounds like a small leaf blower. Maybe next year, theyll make one thats quieter.霍华德的航空摄影处女作可能会促成一种新的职业。他说道:“在家庭便餐上,我在家庭聚餐上播出了这段视频。






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